User:OaxiKaiju/Sandbox/Operation: Save Minillagigachad)

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Operation: Save Minillagigachad
We need Minillagigachad, the website needs him.

— ThatOneKaijuFan2011

The Operation: Save Minillagigachad is a special operation to save Minillagigachad (duh), at this moment the operation is in its planning stage so if anyone has an idea of where they are holding him captive and how to break into that place comment on it.

What we have at the moment

This ransom photo was released by the suspects holding him hostage (Both are believed to have been hired by the CIA to implement their evil plan.):

The suspects in question:

The hostage escaping while he was being transferred:

Current Theory

The current theory is that a boy and his grandfather were hired by the CIA to kidnap Minillagigchad and hold him captive until the CIA faked a ransom and moved Minillagigchad to a bunker somewhere in the United States of America. Anyway, it seems that Minillagigachad managed to escape although in the escape a group of children ended up dying but hey, now he is free.

Some unresolved issues are why the CIA kidnapped him, what is MrPenguin's role in this and if the current leader's internet is just gone because it is common where he lives or they are trying to silence him.


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