User:Gojiraboy/Sandbox/Anguirus (Godzilla in Hell)

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Anguirus comic Incarnations
Anguirus (Godzilla: Cataclysm)
Anguirus (Godzilla in Hell)
Anguirus (Godzilla: Oblivion)
Anguirus® trademark icon
Anguirus in Godzilla in Hell
Alternate names Demon Anguirus
Species Giant Ankylosaur-like Demon

Giant Ankylosaur-like reptile (Inferably initially)[1]

Enemies Godzilla~
First appearance Godzilla in Hell #2
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Anguirus is a giant reptilian monster that appears in issue 2 of IDW Publishing’s 2015 comic book series, Godzilla in Hell. An ancient enemy that Godzilla reacquainted with in the bowels of Hell, Anguirus fought the King of the Monsters in an icy oceanic abyss, only to be swiftly defeated by him.


Anguirus's Japanese name, Angirasu (アンギラス), comes from the Japanese spelling of the name of the dinosaur genus Ankylosaurus (アンキロサウルス,   Ankirosaurusu), upon which the monster's design is based. The name was chosen from several names proposed by employees of Toho during production of Godzilla Raids Again.


In the comic, Anguirus retains his Showa era design, albeit his colors somewhat reflect on the art style of the issue he appears in. Befitting to the icy aesthetic of the Hell realm that he would eventually fight Godzilla in, Anguirus’s skin has a color palate containing faint strokes of blue-white and pale cyan. Most prominently, Anguirus’ eyes are yellow with a very faint orange sclera and faintly whitened pupils, or rather lack of pupils, foreshowing the fact that he is in fact a demon during the events of the comic.


Anguirus displays no personality other than being another of Godzilla’s old enemies that would fight with the Big G again inside Hell during the events of the comic.


Anguirus’ history with Godzilla goes unexplained in the comic, displaying their rivalry in a simplistic existential light like their Showa-film counterparts in Godzilla Raids Again. Anguirus was encased in ice prior to sensing Godzilla's presence, seemingly alluding to his fate prior to appearing in Hell.


Godzilla in Hell Issue 2



Physical Abilities

Anguirus utilized his jaws in his fight with Godzilla, though he failed to even inflict the sensation of pain onto Godzilla’s arm. Though he was unable to match the King of Monsters in raw strength, he was capable of bursting free from his unexplained encasement in ice.


Anguirus displayed no signs of struggle against his environment when he fought Godzilla in spite of their duel taking stage in an oceanic setting.


Though it ultimately went unused, Anguirus possessed a form of body armor on his backside that bares a resemblance to that of real-life Ankylosaurids.


Anguirus was ultimately defeated by Godzilla, who threw him into an iceberg with enough force to seemingly kill him.





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  1. Based on the narration in GIH issue #2, Anguirus and the other monsters that fight Godzilla in the issue have faced him at some point in the past, specifically in living state of being.