User:Godrizza draws

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Godrizza draws

I am Godrizza. I make the arts and things. I have lots of friends.

art stuffs found here

Godzilla designs and ranking

The objective truth

#22-daisensogoji: not unique & was done better by later designs, and designs directly before. truly a nothing burger.

#21-84goji: ugly bitch stop looking in 2 different directions fatass

#20-musukugoji: ...I like the body. but the face is super ugly.

#19-toragoji: great dinosaur, not great Godzilla.

#18-kinggoji: I actually like how the front facing view looks, it's the side where he just looks kind of stiff and fat.

#17-shingoji: I completely understand this being your fav, but it’s just not meant for me really.

#16-rexgoji: they kinda look like the target dog. So proud of her transition

#15-miregoji: no hate towards this design but sosgoji is just better.

#14-anigoji: legendary ripoff lol

#13-finalgoji: again, sosgoji is better. but this guy looks like a cat slightly so +2 points.

#12-heiseigoji: overused. definitely toho's favorite child. however, monster island buddies

#11-soshingekigoji: this is the aforementioned design that pulls of everything daisenso does, but better.

#10-shodaigoji: am I really going to put the og on the bottom half of this list?

#9-gyakushugoji: I like how skinny they are. also ooh scary analog horror whoooo

#8-mosugoji: gold standard, I can't think of a single person who dislikes this design.

#7-maigoji: shodaigoji but a hater. peak

#6-garegoji: i can see why mike dougherty was so excited when he saw the concept art of this godzilla design. probably perfect, except doughegoji having literally a copy+paste of 1954's spines is lame.

#5-GMKgoji: I honestly have no idea how he got so high. really good suit construction though.

#4-redskygoji: PEAK MOVIE BABY GXK SWEEP! but yeah i like it mostly ironically

#3-sosgoji: the neca is my fav figure i own, but i also like the wolfish quality of the face

#2-gyuragoji: I would like you all to respect my privacy at this time.

#1-megarogoji: adorable and silly. lovable

Gorosaurus vs orga

Its here!

I made it. Godzilla vs the gargantuas will come eventually.


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